Monday, March 24, 2025

Award Winning 2025 Documentary, "Disposable Humanity," Scores at 31st Slamdance Festival

Content provided by Ian McIntosh and Not Dead Yet

Out of nearly two thousand entries, 146 films were selected for the 2025 Slamdance Film Festival in Los Angeles. Disposable Humanity captured the Audience Award and received an Honorable Mention for the Slamdance Unstoppable Feature Grand Jury Prize.

In Disposable Humanity, a profound, unforgettable documentary of historic disability injustice, Cameron Mitchell and his family guide the viewer down corridors of Nazi era eugenical horror into a past that many of us think we know but don’t.

Tim Stainton, Director of the University of British Columbia’s Institute for Inclusion and Citizenship once called Canada’s eugenical descent into assisted suicide and euthanasia, “the biggest existential threat to disabled people since the Nazi’s program in Germany in the 1930s”.

For anyone engaged in fighting health disparities and disability discrimination today, it becomes plain by the end of the film that the present-day creep of assisted suicide laws in America has an essential part of its ancestry rooted in the international ideas, language and maps of Aktion T4 – the Euthanasia Program of yesterday.

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Marsha Joiner's New Book "Betrayal By Hospice & Healthcare"

Click the link at the bottom of the page to order Marsha's book.

In 2017, my Mother was murdered by hospice drug protocol. She was not dying when we were enticed to enroll her to provide help to my Dad, her caregiver as my sister and I lived states away. That began my journey warning people about the reality of what hospice had become. I became a talk show host on Betrayed by Hospice sharing her story as well as having other guests on to share the heartbreaking story of them losing a loved one to hospice. I also had experts on from various organizations to share what they could do to help. 

That was almost eight years ago. In February 2024 I started writing a book about what I have learned over those years.  My Mother's story as well as 34 others stories is included in this book. It was finished in March 2025 and is now published!

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Spanish Court Refuses to Prevent Young Woman's Euthanasia Death.

Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

The Agence France-Presse reported on March 17 that a Spanish court rejected an appeal by a father who tried to stop his 24-year-old paraplegic daughter's euthanasia death.

Decisions, like this one, emphasize how the euthanasia laws undermine the lives of people with disabilities.

According to the article, the 24-year-old woman, who was injured in a suicide attempt, was scheduled to die by euthanasia in August 2024 when her father achieved a court injunction to prevent the death. The article stated that:
The father argued that his daughter suffered from mental disorders that "could affect her ability to make a free and conscious decision" as required by law.

He also said there were indications his daughter had changed her mind and that her ailment did not entail "unbearable physical or psychological suffering".

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Death by Assisted Suicide

By Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition.  (pictured right).  

I had the opportunity on Monday, February 24, to speak at the British Parliament (Westminster) about the reality of assisted suicide in America. I focused on the experience with assisted suicide in Oregon and California. 

The UK assisted suicide bill that is sponsored by Kim Leadbeater is similar to American style assisted suicide laws.

Members of Parliament or their staff came to my presentation based on having time between meetings. Several MP's or their staff attended the event and asked excellent questions.

One MP, who attended, supported the Leadbeater assisted suicide bill. He is a new MP who told me that he only had 10 minutes for me between meetings.

I shared some basic data concerning assisted suicide in America including the bills that the assisted suicide lobby are promoting to expand assisted suicide in states where it is legal. I made it very clear that the strategy of the assisted suicide lobby is to first get a bill passed and then to amend the bill later. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

So You Want to Be an Organ Donor

By Julie Grimstad, 03/11/25

Every person, even a teenager as young as 14 in some states, is asked to be an organ donor when applying for or renewing a driver's license or permit.

A person should be – BUT CURRENTLY IS NOT – given honest and adequate information about the organ procurement process.

Informed consent to be an organ donor is not possible without such knowledge.  

Dr. Heidi Klessig, anesthesiologist, proposes requiring that the following information be read to driver's license applicants BEFORE they are asked, "Do you want to be an organ donor?" ...

Nevada Bill AB 346 Offers False Promise

Submitted by Jason Guinasso, pictured left.

Just two years after Gov. Joe Lombardo’s veto protected Nevada from misguided physician-assisted suicide legislation, the issue has returned in the form of Assembly Bill 346. The new bill, which would legalize what proponents euphemistically call “medical aid in dying,” represents not progress but regression in how we care for our most vulnerable citizens....

Despite some cosmetic changes, AB346 contains the same dangerous flaws as its predecessor. The bill’s safeguards against coercion are illusory, its premises about terminal prognosis are scientifically unsound, and its effects on our healthcare system would be corrosive.

Most troublingly, the legislation does nothing to address the perverse economic incentives that inevitably accompany physician-assisted suicide. Insurance companies stand to save millions by offering death instead of treatment, as we’ve already seen in states like California, where Stephanie Packer was denied chemotherapy but offered suicide pills for a $1.20 co-pay.

Autopen' Used on Official Docs Throughout Biden Presidency — including on Pardons while he Vacationed: Report

Joseph Mackinnon, 03/10/25

Missouri AG Andrew Bailey [pictured right] has requested that the Justice Department investigate the legality of Biden's presidential orders.

The Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project revealed Thursday that Joe Biden's signature on numerous executive orders, pardons, and other documents of national consequence appears to have been machine-generated.

Oversight Project Executive Director Mike Howell told Blaze News, "The main legal question here is who was the president over the last four years. That's what we are aiming to uncover. The prolific use of autopen by the Biden White House was an instrument to hide the truth from the American people as to who was running the government."

The watchdog group noted that "every document" they could find with Biden's signature — with the exception of the announcement indicating that he was dropping out of the 2024 presidential race — "used the same autopen signature."

Story Of Green River Heroism Takes Bizarre Turn With Phony AI Court Cases

A Wyoming judge has sanctioned a lawyer for citing fake AI cases in a lawsuit over what caused a nearly fatal house fire in Green River. A woman and her son were saved by Ryan Pasborg, [pictured right] who was given the nation's highest honor for heroism for his actions.

The Jetson Plasma Iridescent Hoverboard sells for $148 at Walmart and allows riders to zip around on two wheels.

It’s powered by a lithium-ion battery and on Feb. 1, 2022, one at the Wadsworth home in Sweetwater County allegedly experienced a “thermal runaway,” causing it to burst into flames and burn down the home, according to a lawsuit filed in Wyoming District Federal Court. 

Ryan Pasborg was running late for work as he drove past the Wadsworth family home on Highway 374 in James Town in rural Sweetwater County around 4:30 a.m. and saw smoke and flames coming from a bedroom window. 

He then rushed inside and saved Stephanie Wadsworth and her 4-year-old boy Weston. 

Stephanie suffered “devastating burns covering 35%” of her body, according to court documents.

Weston was also severely burned, but survived, while Pasborg was honored for his heroism. 

Monday, March 10, 2025

Don’t Listen To The Emotional Blackmail Arguments Against Pardoning Derek Chauvin

By Matt Walsh, 03/10/25

A couple of months ago we discussed once again the travesty of justice that was the murder trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin [pictured right] . This was a trial that was conducted just down the street from ground-zero of the BLM riots of 2020, which destroyed Minneapolis’ police precinct, caused $500 million in damage to more than 1,500 businesses, and resulted in several deaths. We’re talking about the single most destructive riot in United States history, after the Los Angeles riots of 1992. And it happened in the same place where Derek Chauvin’s trial was being held. But the judge — who later declared that “every case is about racial justice” in some way — didn’t move the trial to a different venue. Instead, he made sure that Chauvin’s fate was determined by jurors who knew well that their city would burn to the ground if they didn’t convict. They had security fencing and National Guard troops all around the courthouse throughout the trial, just in case that message wasn’t clear.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

"Terminal Illness," What Does it Mean?

By Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition.  Original publication 03/06/25.

I recently spoke at the British parliament about the experience with assisted suicide in America. The British parliament is currently debating the legalization of assisted suicide. The British assisted suicide bill, that is sponsored by Kim Leadbeater, is similar to an American style assisted suicide bill. 

While in England, I had the opportunity to visit with a physician who practises palliative medicine. She told me about a meeting with a patient and her family to explain that the patient has a terminal condition but she is not terminally ill.

In 2011, Dr Kenneth Stevens [pictured above], a long time radiation oncologist in Oregon, wrote an excellent article titled: "Terminal Illness: What does it mean?" In his article Dr Stevens writes about several of his patients who were diagnosed with a terminal illness.

The first story was a patient, Mr Jones, who was diagnosed with lung cancer that had spread to his brain. Dr Stevens explains:

He was not having any breathing problems and, except for headaches, the tumors in his brain were not causing any neurological or mental problems. Yet, his doctor had told him and his wife that he was "terminal."

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Ian McIntosh Appointed Interim Executive Director Of Not Dead Yet

Rochester, NY, January 13, 2025 – A Brief Note on behalf of The Board of Not Dead Yet:

With the sudden passing of Not Dead Yet’s irreplaceable Founder, President and CEO, Diane Coleman , the Board of Not Dead Yet (NDY) was tasked with ensuring that her legacy continues into the next phase of this important mission, decades in the undertaking. We worked over a period of months, to select and appoint Ian McIntosh [pictured here] as Interim Executive Director. In this unprecedented and challenging time, Ian will provide leadership and direction while stewarding Not Dead Yet’s constant critical mission to oppose the legalization of assisted suicide and euthanasia as deadly forms of disability discrimination.

Ian joins Not Dead Yet having previously served as the Director of Disability Outreach for the Patients Rights Action Fund (PRAF), a leading, national, secular, non-partisan leader defending the rights of patients, people with disabilities, our elders, and the poor from the threat of legalized assisted suicide and euthanasia.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Maryland House Revisits Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia

By Jack Hogan, 03/03/25

Hours before the Maryland House of Delegates on Monday revived a perennial debate over whether to legalize medical aid in dying, state senators canceled a hearing on the bill, appearing to forgo the debate in their chamber and all but guaranteeing that the measure won’t have a serious chance of becoming law until after the next election cycle.

Aid-in-dying advocates and at least one top House member were initially under the impression that Judicial Proceedings Committee Chair Will Smith would reschedule the canceled hearing, which was planned for Wednesday.

But top senators didn’t have plans to reschedule, and House Majority Leader David Moon wrote in a text message that he heard the bill was dead in the Senate....

Maryland lawmakers have debated the issue for a decade. In 2019, the House of Delegates passed a version of the proposal but it stalled in the Senate after a single lawmaker’s inaction [Senator Obie Patterson] led to a split vote and the proposal’s demise.

Assisted Suicide, Once Legal Inevitably Expands

Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition.  (pictured right).

When a jurisdiction is debating an assisted suicide bill, many organizations and individuals present information about the necessary safeguards that the jurisdiction must implement to “safely” legalize assisted suicide.

The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition knows that it is not possible to “safely” legalize assisted suicide and once legal the law will inevitably expand.

Great Britain is currently debating an assisted suicide bill  sponsored by Kim Leadbeater. Many states have already introduced assisted suicide bills in 2025 and we anticipate many more legalization bills this year. We know that some states that have legalized assisted suicide will debate bills to expand their law.  

This article focuses on the experience with assisted suicide in jurisdictions where it is legal. 

Nearly every jurisdiction that has legalized assisted suicide, later expanded their law.

The assisted suicide lobby groups know that it is more difficult to legalize assisted suicide than it is to expand the law once it is legal.

Swiss Canton Cuts a Deal with Suicide Group

By Alex Schadenberg  

An article by Marc Leutenegger that was published by on February 21, 2025 states that the Swiss Canton Solothurn has cut a deal with the Pegasus assisted suicide group that will save money for the Canton by eliminating the need for the authorities to send a legal and medical team to investigate the death. Leutenegger reported that:

..the core of an agreement, unprecedented in Switzerland, that was signed late last year between canton Solothurn and the right-to-die organisation Pegasos. Under the new arrangement, if Pegasos provides video evidence that the suicide was carried out by the person themselves, as well as additional information, then the authorities do not send in a legal and medical team to investigate the death. 

The Real Reason Woke Policies Exist

Erik Carlson Mar 04, 2025  
It is important to understand that many of the people who create, promote and fund movements and policies such as DEI, BLM, the Climate Change and LGBTQ+ agendas may not have the same goals, beliefs or values as the people who simply adhere to and support these types of movements and policies at a foot soldier level.

Many who follow and support these movements do so in good faith and believe that these movements and policies were created to do good, to provide a level playing field for people they believe are marginalized or victimized. Many people believe they are making the world a better place through adherence to these policies.

One Friday afternoon each month, to this day, I drive by a group of older white people at a busy intersection on my way home from work. In a very diverse, yet non-black area, they hold up BLM signs to the drivers passing by in the hopes of getting a reaction. I just roll my eyes at them when I drive by. They try to elicit honks and waves; they seem to crave attention; in my opinion, it somehow makes them feel better about themselves. Perhaps it washes away their white liberal boomer guilt.

Again, in my opinion, these particular people believe they are making a difference.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Kansas Governor Signs Bill Making Assisted Suicide a Crime

WICHITA, Kan. (KAKE) - Jennifer Dennis is one of several mothers who testified in Topeka this year in favor of a bill to make it a crime to encourage someone to take their own life, after her son William lost his life to suicide after being encouraged by people in an online forum.

Wednesday morning, Gov. Laura Kelly signed the bill into law.

"I felt like, for the first time that people get it, that they understand there's a problem, the suicide rates are a problem," Dennis said. "And that this was such a positive win for the state of Kansas."

As the bill made its way through the statehouse, many more stories surfaced of families who went through the same thing.

Kristi Khan of Colby lost her son, Kai, who was transgender. He'd also been on this same website.

"When I reached out to the detective on my son's case and said, 'Did you see all this?' and he's like, 'Well, it's not against the law,'" Khan said. "So I am beyond thrilled to see that Kansas is doing this. And I'm hoping that other states will see this and follow suit."

Sunday, February 23, 2025

My Personal Experience With Assisted Suicide

By Margaret Dore

In another life, most likely in 1980 when I was 23 years old, I talked three young men down from suicide.

What I think happened is that a final exit network type person had given them my phone number by mistake. This was before the age of caller ID.

I was contacted by each of the three young men over a period of time, each one wanting assistance to kill himself. 

I called a suicide prevention person to ask what I should do, i.e., with regard to the first one. The person told me to ask the suicidal person why? To engage him.  

So that’s what I did. I met each one at a local park, which I thought would be safe for me and asked him why, and then I tried to expand to other topics.  

The last one I got him laughing. He told me that he no longer felt like killing himself.

To the best of my knowledge they all lived, but I don't know for sure.

People in Distress Need Support, Not a Fast-Track to Death

The Connecticut General Assembly will again skip considering a bill that would provide a legal avenue for medical aid in dying, or physician-assisted suicide [or euthanasia], in the state. 

“I’m disappointed,” said state Rep. Josh Elliott, a Hamden Democrat who’s been a longtime legislative champion of the proposal. “But in this work you get used to it. No matter how refined your legislative agenda is, it always ends up functionally being throwing things at the wall to see what sticks. It didn’t stick this year — but now in my fifth term, I know that there is always next year.”

Elliott had introduced the bill this year alongside two colleagues, but it was not raised by the General Assembly’s Public Health Committee before a deadline to advance it further.

CT Insider reported in 2024 that Elliott and advocates planned to skip that year’s session in the hopes of taking it up again this year....

“Second Thoughts Connecticut was glad to hear that our state legislature continues to move cautiously when it comes to medical assisted suicide,” said Cathy Ludlum [pictured above] of Second Thoughts Connecticut, a group of disability rights advocates opposed to the legalization of assisted suicide.

“Legislators have wisely stopped it from coming here this year, and we are thankful,” Ludlum said. “People in distress need support, not a fast-track to death.”

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Doctors, Disability Activists Split on Support for Controversial Procedure


CHICAGO — Lawmakers are considering legalizing a controversial medical practice that proponents say could ease suffering for the terminally ill.

It’s sometimes called “assisted suicide,” although physicians and advocates for the practice prefer the term “medical aid in dying,” or MAID.

While Compassion & Choices — a group that advocates for medical aid in dying policies — found a majority of Illinois voters supported legalizing MAID in a 2023 poll, some critics call the process “barbaric.”

Proposed Oregon Bill Would Allow Non-Physicians to Legally Participate in Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia

By Leslie Wolfgang | February 18, 2025, 12:53pm 

An Oregon bill would expand the state’s current law to permit physician assistants and nurse practitioners to prescribe “medication” to help a person to commit suicide. 

Senate Bill 1003 changes the term “attending physician” to “prescribing provider,” and “consulting physician” to “consulting provider.” The term “provider” would be defined as a physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner under Oregon law. This bill represents the first time that non-physicians would be authorized to assist the killing of a person in the United States.  

Nurses participate in the euthanasia and assisted suicide of persons in Canada, where the country’s “Medical Assistance In Dying” (MAiD) rates are already high and continuing to increase. According to 2023 statistics, these practitioner-assisted killings account for 4.7%, or 1 in 20 deaths, in Canada.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

The Extreme Legal Theory Behind Trump’s First Month in Office

By Michael Waldman, 02/20/25* 

Over President’s Day weekend, Donald Trump posted, “He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.” This is a quote attributed to Napoleon — you know, the guy who crowned himself emperor. For a long time, the trope went that people who were delusional thought they were Napoleon. No one’s laughing now.  

Less incendiary but perhaps more consequential, yesterday Trump signed an executive order that purports to seize control of independent agencies such as the Federal Trade Commission, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. These expert bodies fight monopolies, police bank safety, organize the broadcast industry, and more. They are central to the entire edifice of modern government, built up over the past 140 years, which ensures that the free market does not devolve into an abusive free-for-all. 

The new president’s power grab may get clothed in legalistic garb by the highest court in the land, and some academics and advocates will applaud the decision. Very soon, we will be hearing a lot about the “unitary executive theory.” 

The framers of the Constitution were vague about what the president could and could not do. They knew that George Washington would be the first, but beyond that, things were a bit fuzzy. Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson wrote in 1952 that what they intended “must be divined from materials almost as enigmatic as the dreams Joseph was called upon to interpret for Pharaoh.”

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Commentary: Defensive Gun Uses Show Faulty Premise of California Gun Laws

Amy Swearer | Grace McNabnay | February 18, 2025

As wildfires raged last month in California, tens of thousands of people were forced to flee their homes, often with just minutes of warning. To make matters worse, looters took advantage of the chaos and lack of police resources, showing up in droves to ransack evacuated areas—sometimes as helpless residents looked on in horror as their doorbell cameras captured the looting in real time.

Fortunately for residents of at least some evacuated areas, a handful of their armed neighbors stayed behind to protect their homes and livelihoods from would-be looters—in some cases, bravely patrolling their streets with firearms in what certainly seemed to be open defiance of the state’s public carry laws.

But for countless others, the state’s restrictive gun laws undoubtedly complicated their ability to defend their homes, at the very least compounding their anxiety by raising questions about their legal rights in a state notorious for treating lawful gun owners as the enemy of public safety. Barriers like mandatory waiting periods, meanwhile, ensured that Californians who didn’t already own guns would be kept from exercising one of their most fundamental rights precisely when it mattered most. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

‘They Stole His Practice’: Medical Board Drops Case Against Canadian Doctor Who Questioned COVID Vaccines 

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia (CPSBC) earlier this month withdrew its case against a Canadian doctor who faced misconduct allegations over social media posts questioning the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines and promoting ivermectin.

The charges against Dr. Charles Hoffe of Lytton, British Columbia [pictured here], an emergency room doctor with over 30 years of experience, had been lingering since 2022.

On Feb. 5, the CPSBC informed Hoffe’s attorney, Lee Turner, that it was withdrawing its disciplinary proceedings. According to The Epoch Times, CPSBC said the process had dragged on too long. According to Castanet Kamloops, CPSBC said the circumstances around Hoffe’s citation “materially changed.”

“The material change in circumstances is the fact that the emergency phase of COVID-19 has passed,” Castanet reported.