Why Choice is an Illusion?

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Margaret Dore Speaking to Australian Delegation

Margaret Dore, Esq., MBA, speaking
 to the Delegation
On April 7, 2016, Margaret Dore, attorney and president of Choice is an Illusion, accompanied by her assistant, Brenda Ray, met with a five member delegation from the Legal and Social Issues Committee, Parliament of Victoria, Australia.

The topic was assisted suicide and euthanasia. The place was the Picnic House Restaurant in Portland Oregon where Dore spoke over lunch in opposition to legalization. Despite the serious nature of the topic, a good time was had by all.

Dore's written materials can be viewed by clicking here and here.

Hon. Edward O' Donohue, MCL
Parliamentary Delegation Chair
The function of the Committee is to  inquire into and report on any  
proposal, matter or thing concerned   with community services, education, gaming, health, and law and justice. Committee inquires result in policy recommendations to the Victorian Government and can lead to legislative change.

Ms. Nina Springle, MLC
Delegation Vice Chair
The Committee delegation members were: its Chair, the Honorable Edward O’Donohue MLC; its Deputy Chair, Ms Nina Springle, MLC; Mr Cesar Melhem MLC; Ms Fiona Patten MLC; and Ms Jaclyn Symes MLC. They were joined by Lilian Topic, Committee Secretary.

To learn more about the Delegation, please click here.

* * *

Please consider a generous donation to Choice is an Illusion, "working to keep assisted suicide and euthanasia out of your state, and out of your life."
Brenda and Margaret
on their way to  the meeting

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  • Choice is an Illusion, to support lobbying efforts
  • Choice is an Illusion Foundation, to support education (your donation is tax deductible)
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