Saturday, August 17, 2024

Disability Rights Opponents of Assisted Suicide Are Not a “Vocal Minority”

By Meghan Schrader [pictured right]  

Original publication 08/01/24

Meghan is an autistic person who is an instructor at E4 - University of Texas (Austin) and an EPC [Euthanasia Prevention Coalition]-USA board member.

Over and over again assisted suicide proponents claim that disabled people who oppose assisted suicide are a “vocal minority.” For instance, American euthanasia advocate Thaddeus Mason Pope ridiculously wrote on X that “millions” of disabled people want the right to have “MAiD.” Well, it’s not true. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Off Topic: The Bombing

By Margaret Dore, Esq.

My mother had always thought that Silas "Trim" Bissell of the Bissell Vacuum Fortune, and of the SDS, (Students for a Democratic Society), had bombed our Seattle home.

The bomb, dynamite, had been thrown on the roof above my parents' bedroom closet adjacent to our carport. She was home with my four siblings. My father, a state legislator, and I were in the state capitol, staying at different places. I was 12 years old.  It was 1970.

A Thump on the Roof

My mother told me that she had heard a thump on the roof above her bedroom closet, which had caused her to put her head in the closet, under the bomb, to try and figure out what had caused the noise.
She then went outside the house and into our carport, once again, physically placing herself under the bomb.