Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Real Reason Woke Policies Exist

Erik Carlson Mar 04, 2025  
It is important to understand that many of the people who create, promote and fund movements and policies such as DEI, BLM, the Climate Change and LGBTQ+ agendas may not have the same goals, beliefs or values as the people who simply adhere to and support these types of movements and policies at a foot soldier level.

Many who follow and support these movements do so in good faith and believe that these movements and policies were created to do good, to provide a level playing field for people they believe are marginalized or victimized. Many people believe they are making the world a better place through adherence to these policies.

One Friday afternoon each month, to this day, I drive by a group of older white people at a busy intersection on my way home from work. In a very diverse, yet non-black area, they hold up BLM signs to the drivers passing by in the hopes of getting a reaction. I just roll my eyes at them when I drive by. They try to elicit honks and waves; they seem to crave attention; in my opinion, it somehow makes them feel better about themselves. Perhaps it washes away their white liberal boomer guilt.

Again, in my opinion, these particular people believe they are making a difference.

I assume that none of them are aware that BLM—not the concept, but the organization—is a complete fraud. It is not only a corporate and Democrat money laundering operation, but black leaders of the organization have been exposed for skimming off money for their own personal enrichment. Literally none of the donations have found their way back into the black community, but no one seems to notice or care.

Multiple leaders within BLM have been exposed for purchasing houses and paying off debt with the donations of sincere contributors to the cause. One BLM leader in particular has purchased multiple high-end homes in predominantly white areas. (When I say predominantly, I mean neighborhoods that are 98-99% white.) Not only are these fake activists corrupt, but they are also hypocritical. They won’t even live in or own properties in the areas they claim to support and care about—corruption hidden behind a concept.

Are the sign holders at the busy intersection I drive by once a month aware of any of this?

Maybe they do know and still support the cause. It’s possible CNN and MSNBC have convinced them the reports on BLM corruption are fake news. I honestly have no idea what goes on in their heads, as most brainwashed people block out what doesn’t fit their belief system.

As DOGE scours government records, discovering how the US Federal Government spends its money—rather, how it spends US taxpayer money—they are finding massive amounts of corruption and waste. Much of this corruption and waste comes from DEI programs—or should I say, is laundered through DEI programs, programs that are so ridiculous as to be laughable. Programs that support Trans and LGBTQ+ acceptance in Muslim countries, for example, or fund drag show workshops in South America.

But are the programs really being funded, or is the bulk of the money being diverted right back into the pockets of corrupt American politicians and their financial backers?

DEI programs aren’t the only place US tax dollars and recklessly-printed money is being laundered, as money has been laundered through Deep State-created wars for decades, most recently in Ukraine.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy recently said they haven’t received half of what the US Government claims to have sent them. On a recent Tucker Carlson podcast, he said half of the weapons the US has sent to Ukraine have been sold to the Mexican Cartel. This last claim is incredibly scary and infuriating to me. It is an unforgivable offense when US troops are killed by US weapons, especially if they are resold to the Cartel.

It’s easy to see how and why money is laundered through woke programs when it is a relatable motivation. Greed is simple to understand. When trying to figure out why elites would push these programs and movements to launder money through them, the love of money is something everyone can understand and relate to, at least to a certain extent.

When someone robs a bank, we understand they want money, and they don’t want to work for it. But when something completely unrelatable occurs, like someone storing human heads in their freezer, all of a sudden, we have no clue what motivates this behavior, other than being completely insane and evil. When motivation is pure evil, we have a harder time understanding it. This is one of the reasons so many Americans refuse to accept and believe that large numbers of children are trafficked, raped and killed. They can’t relate, they don’t want to believe it, so they refuse to accept it.

Part of the motivation of pushing DEI on American society is not just corruption, but pure evil.

Beyond monetary corruption, it’s more difficult, but not impossible to understand that woke programs and movements are also created to gain and maintain control. Policies can have multiple goals and purposes, and in the case of woke policies, this is exactly the case. Largely, Democrat Party support only exists today because their followers believe adherence to their woke policies is vital to the mere existence of mankind, or as the fully indoctrinated might prefer, ‘peoplekind.’

The belief is, if we don’t financially contribute to climate change organizations and vastly reduce our carbon footprint, the world will be over in a decade. As such, we must vote for the party that fully understands and supports this belief.

What does this one narrative do? It creates a money-laundering operation, and it gets people to vote for one political party, in many cases, based off of one policy alone. But it also creates fear, which is the most valuable tool for control. When people are afraid, they will believe almost anything and do almost anything they are told. We only have to go back to Covid to understand this.

The Democrat party is the party of abortion, Climate Change, DEI, Trans, LGBTQ+, and BLM. All of these concepts, policies and movements were created and are funded and/or promoted by the Deep State Cabal. These movements are used to launder money and maintain control, but they are ultimately used to benefit the ultimate elitist agenda of population control.

Woke policies were created and are used to create chaos and pandemonium. They are used to divide and destroy. They are used to create a slave-like mentality and adherence to power. They are used to minimize God, while making gods out of the elites. The elites desire to be worshiped. If the elites can create enough chaos, division and fear, the people will turn from God and erect golden statues in their likeness to worship instead of God.

Wokeness is a religion.

The elitists who create, fund and promote woke policies could care less about the people they claim to protect. In fact, these elitists are completely sexist, racist, and homophobic themselves, and fully understand that Climate Change is a hoax. In my opinion, they also understand that abortion is ultimately child sacrifice.

Here’s the part some may have a hard time wrapping their head around: the hidden goal of these woke policies is to actually make people MORE sexist, racist, homophobic, more ashamed and in some cases, crazier—divided through hate and controlled through fear and guilt. All by design.

The Trans push is designed to encourage and amplify mental disorders. DEI is designed to cause hate from the people who lose out on getting a job or a promotion because that job goes to someone who is less qualified, but fits the DEI agenda. One of DEI’s hidden goals is to convince DEI recipients that they aren’t really adequate, that on their own, they can’t compete, that they need the field to be tilted in their favor. In other words, it’s designed to sow hate AND doubt.

DEI is Affirmative Action on steroids.

Affirmative Action went into effect through an executive order by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965. Johnson may be the most racist president America has ever known, at least in modern times. Do you think he really cared about blacks? No, in my opinion, Affirmative Action was designed to create hate, doubt and division.

Why was Malcolm X murdered? 

He discovered that the Black Panthers and KKK were both infiltrated by the FBI. He discovered the Black Panthers and KKK were both being funded by the same people. He became aware that people like Texas oil tycoon H.L. Hunt were funding both sides in order to create chaos, unrest and hate during the already-turbulent decade of the 1960s.

Some may recognize Hunt’s name; his family owns the Kansas City Chiefs. According to some, Hunt and Johnson are aware of the true motivations behind the JFK Assassination, but that’s a story for another day.

While the FBI and CIA have their fingerprints all over the Civil Rights movement, the same can also be said about the Feminist Movement.

Gloria Steinem was an asset of the CIA. She admitted on record to working closely with the CIA and receiving funding from them. After the Feminist Movement took off, she later denied having any relationship with the CIA.

Why would the CIA be involved in the Feminist Movement?

Perhaps in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the CIA was deeply concerned about the plight of women in America. (It was hard to write that last sentence with a straight face).

The Deep State Cabal doesn’t care about your feelings or your rights. Political correctness and critical race theory were not unleashed on America 30+ years ago to nurture respect for one another. The concepts were created in pre-Nazi Germany at the Frankfurt School. Their purpose? To infiltrate and destroy an enemy state from within. To weaken and defeat an enemy without a shot being fired.

The Trans Movement is by far the cruelest of them all

It originated from the Tavistock Institute in London, England. (Anytime you hear something came from the City of London, pay close attention.) The movement preys on those with psychological disorders. While many of the other narrative hoaxes can be walked away from with little to no permanent damage being done, this can’t be said for many who have been the victim of the Trans Movement.

Some are physically altered, and permanently. Some will never function normally again. Unable to have children, genitals destroyed. Hormones that will never return back to normal. Outcasts in a two-gender society. No longer fully a man, or fully a woman. The end result of the Cabal wanting to create Chaos, division, hate, and confusion while keeping a not insignificant number of people from reproducing ever again.

And as we’ve discovered with school shootings, they’ve also created domestic terrorists out of mentally unstable people.

Some people view woke policies, narratives and agendas as being weird, dumb, bad for society, and bad for the economy. They see them as mistakes made through bad judgement. Some view this wokeness as being a means of stealing and laundering money … just a scam. Others can see how these policies and agendas are intentionally being used to destroy nations and societies.

Few have recognized the hidden mechanism in which woke policies and agendas really work to take down great nations. They are designed to make people more racist, more sexist, more homophobic, more suspicious of others, more controlled through fear. They are designed to make a society less inclusive, less united, less connected, less understanding, less forgiving.

These policies and agendas are intentionally designed to do the exact opposite of what they claim to do.

What is it they say about the Deep State Cabal? They accuse others of the crimes they are committing themselves. They project onto others their own prejudices and hatred.

Right now, clinically insane people are terrified that they will be rounded up, put into internment camps and killed. Does the media try to ease their irrational fears? No. Instead, they add fuel to the fire. They create and encourage hysteria.

We can’t hate the media enough; we can’t hate the Cabal that controls them enough.

DEI intentionally sets people up to fail.

What could be more hateful than intentionally putting an unqualified person in a position to fail? To subject them to the ridicule that comes with their failure? To intentionally cause someone to lose faith and confidence in themselves?

It’s like sending a soldier off to war, unprepared and unarmed. Or putting a six-year-old behind the wheel of a car.

These people are sick, and Trump is systematically removing their tools of torture, humiliation and destruction.

DEI must DIE, and it is dying, and the exposure of DEI is being used to take down the Deep State Cabal.

The weapons the Deep State has used to control and divide society are now being used to destroy them.

What poetic justice.

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