Showing posts with label COVID. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COVID. Show all posts

Friday, July 5, 2024

Population Mortality Worsens Over Pandemic Years, Data from Germany Suggests COVID-19 Vaccination is a Determinant

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH  

Mass COVID-19 vaccination around the globe has raised alarms in the public health community for many reasons. Of greatest importance is all-cause mortality and reduced longevity.

Kuhbandner and Reitzner from Universitat Regensburg and Universit¨at Osnabruck, respectively, integrated mortality data from all 16 German States and vaccination rates from the Robert Koch Institute for the pandemic years, 2020, 2021, and 2022. This was first reported to the public by TrialSite News. 

If COVID-19 vaccination really reduced rates of COVID-19 death and was safe as asserted by government agencies, then mortality rates should have gone down over the pandemic for two reasons:

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Canada's Life Span Drop

By Alex Schadenberg

Life expectancy for Canadians has dropped for at least three straight years from 2019 to 2022.

The drop in life expectancy also occurred in the US during Covid, but life expectancy rebounded in the US in 2022, whereas in Canada life expectancy has remained a year lower.

Based on the sheer number of euthanasia deaths in Canada, and the fact that Canadians are not required to be terminally ill in order to be killed by euthanasia, deaths by euthanasia have strongly affected Canada’s death rate resulting in the average Canadian dying one year earlier than in 2019.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Florida Surgeon General Calls for Halt in Use of COVID mRNA Vaccines

Tallahassee, Fla. — On December 6, 2023, Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo sent a letter to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Dr. Robert M. Califf and Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Dr. Mandy Cohen. Ladapo outlined concerns regarding contaminants in the approved Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines ...

Ladapo also stated: "Providers concerned about patient health risks associated with COVID-19 should prioritize patient access to non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and treatment. It is my hope that, in regard to COVID-19, the FDA will one day seriously consider its regulatory responsibility to protect human health, including the integrity of the human genome."

For more information about the Florida Department of Health, visit

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Florida's Surgeon General Urges Americans to Refuse to Follow New Mask Mandates

by David Greyson

Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo is urging people to refuse to follow
any new mask mandates as schools slowly try to reinstate Covid policies.

On Thursday Ladapo suggested that people should refuse to participate.

"What do you call re-imposing mask policies that have been proven
ineffective or restarting lockdowns that are known to cause harm?" Joseph
Ladapo said in a tweet. "You don't call it sanity."

"These terrible policies only work with your cooperation. How about
refusing to participate..." he added.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Four Months of Unprecedented Government Malfeasance

Heather Mac Donald
To view original, Click here

The following is adapted from a lecture delivered on June 18, 2020, for a Hillsdale College online symposium, “The Coronavirus and Public Policy.”

Over the last four months, Americans have lived through what is arguably the most consequential period of government malfeasance in U.S. history. Public officials’ overreaction to the novel coronavirus put American cities into a coma; those same officials’ passivity in the face of widespread rioting threatens to deliver the coup de grĂ¢ce. Together, these back-to-back governmental failures will transform the American polity and cripple urban life for decades.

Who We Are, What We Do, How We Do It

Who we are

Choice is an Illusion, is a non-profit human rights organization opposed to assisted suicide, physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. Our mission is to defeat the spread of these practices, including more recent incidents of "slow" euthanasia, for example:
The purposeful placement of actively ill COVID patients with nursing home residents; the reduction of options for individuals, including children, to stay healthy, by blocking their access to exercise, social interaction and healthcare; and the destruction of the economy, putting further pressure on individuals and families.
What we do

We fight to stop the spread of assisted suicide and euthanasia, and to defeat it.

How we do it

We provide legal/policy analyses and testimony to legislatures, courts and the public regarding real life problems with assisted suicide and euthanasia. We do this through our websites, our publications and our direct advocacy. We collaborate with other groups and individuals.