It is important to understand that many of the people who create, promote and fund movements and policies such as DEI, BLM, the Climate Change and LGBTQ+ agendas may not have the same goals, beliefs or values as the people who simply adhere to and support these types of movements and policies at a foot soldier level.
Many who follow and support these movements do so in good faith and believe that these movements and policies were created to do good, to provide a level playing field for people they believe are marginalized or victimized. Many people believe they are making the world a better place through adherence to these policies.
One Friday afternoon each month, to this day, I drive by a group of older white people at a busy intersection on my way home from work. In a very diverse, yet non-black area, they hold up BLM signs to the drivers passing by in the hopes of getting a reaction. I just roll my eyes at them when I drive by. They try to elicit honks and waves; they seem to crave attention; in my opinion, it somehow makes them feel better about themselves. Perhaps it washes away their white liberal boomer guilt.
Again, in my opinion, these particular people believe they are making a difference.