Showing posts with label Nevada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nevada. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Nevada Bill AB 346 Offers False Promise

Submitted by Jason Guinasso, pictured left.

Just two years after Gov. Joe Lombardo’s veto protected Nevada from misguided physician-assisted suicide legislation, the issue has returned in the form of Assembly Bill 346. The new bill, which would legalize what proponents euphemistically call “medical aid in dying,” represents not progress but regression in how we care for our most vulnerable citizens....

Despite some cosmetic changes, AB346 contains the same dangerous flaws as its predecessor. The bill’s safeguards against coercion are illusory, its premises about terminal prognosis are scientifically unsound, and its effects on our healthcare system would be corrosive.

Most troublingly, the legislation does nothing to address the perverse economic incentives that inevitably accompany physician-assisted suicide. Insurance companies stand to save millions by offering death instead of treatment, as we’ve already seen in states like California, where Stephanie Packer was denied chemotherapy but offered suicide pills for a $1.20 co-pay.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Help Us Help You

Margaret Dore and Elaine Kolb,
after testifying in Connecticut
Choice is an Illusion and its president, Margaret Dore, work with other people and groups throughout the US and internationally, to stop and reverse the spread of legal assisted suicide and euthanasia.

Dore is a fourth generation lawyer in Washington State USA, where her work has included guardianship and family law.  She has seen the terrible things that people do to each other for money. This includes court-appointed guardians who steal from the very people they are charged to protect. 

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Nevada: Bill All But Dead

SB 165, which would have legalized assisted suicide and euthanasia in Nevada, failed to make it out of its house of origin, so that it is now all but dead. According to 3 News Las Vegas:
While the bills the couldn't make it out of committee are technically off the table, they won't officially be out of the question until the Legislative Session ends in June.
The next major deadline comes on May 17. 

Monday, March 4, 2019

Nevada: Patient Protections Are Mere Window Dressing to Lull the Public Into Accepting Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia

By Margaret Dore, Esq., MBA.*

Nevada's pending euthanasia bill, S.B. 165, sets forth patient protections in sections 3 through 29, described as “safeguards, procedures, written requirements and reporting functions.”[1] The bill also repeatedly says that actions are to be done in “accordance” with the provisions of sections 3 through 29.[2] For example, the bill states:
Death resulting from a patient self-administering a controlled substance that is designed to end his or her life in accordance with the provisions of sections 3 to 29, inclusive, of this act does not constitute suicide or homicide. (Emphasis added).[3]

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Nevada: Reject SB 261 (First Reprint)

To view a pdf version, click these links for the index, memo and appendix.

The issues addressed include why proposed patient protections ("safeguards") are unenforceable. See Section IX below. 

 Margaret Dore, Esq., MBA


I am an attorney in Washington State where assisted suicide is legal. Our law is based on a similar law in Oregon.[1] Both laws are similar to SB 261, which seeks to legalize assisted suicide and euthanasia in Nevada.[2]

SB 261 is stacked against the individual and recipe for elder abuse. If enacted, the bill will encourage people with years or decades to live to throw away their lives. I urge you to reject this measure.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Dore Letter to Nevada Committee: Bill Protections Are Unenforceable

"[T]his situation renders all
 bill protections ('safeguards')
To view the full letter, click here and here

SB 261 sets forth patient protections in sections 3 through 26.[1] The bill also repeatedly says that actions are to be done in “accordance” with sections 3 through 26.[2]  . . .

The bill does not define “accordance.” [4] Dictionary definitions include “in the spirit of,” meaning in thought or intention.[5] In other words, a mere thought to comply with patient protections is good enough. Actual compliance is not required.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Nevada: Dore Submissions Opposing SB 261

Carson City view
1.  One page Jeanette Hall Handout ("It's Great to Be Alive!"), available at

2.  One page bullet point handout, "Reject SB 261, 'Choice' is a Big Fat Fib," available at

3.  Margaret Dore, Updated Legal Analysis, With Appendix, Opposing SB 261, available at

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Dore Memoradum and Legal Analysis Opposing Nevada Bill

By Margaret Dore. To view a pdf version, click here, here and here.


Jeanette Hall
I am an attorney in Washington State where assisted suicide  is legal.[1] Our law is based on a similar law in Oregon.  Both laws are similar to the proposed bill, SB 261.[2]

The proposed bill seeks to legalize physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia as those terms are traditionally defined.  The bill sells these practices as a promotion of self-determination.  The bill is instead stacked against the patient and a recipe for elder abuse.

The bill applies to persons with years or decades to live.  Passage will encourage people with years or decades to live to throw away their lives.  I urge you to vote “No” on SB 261.

Nevada Bill: "Assisting Persons Can Have Their Own Agenda"

Margaret Dore

Margaret Dore, a lawyer in Washington state, said [that the Nevada] bill, SB 261] would have dire consequences. Besides encouraging people who may have years or decades yet to live to give up on life, it does not consider relatives or others who may pressure someone into voluntary suicide for nefarious reasons.

“Assisting persons can have their own agendas: an adult child wanting an inheritance; a financial predator seeking financial gain; or a doctor wanting to hide malpractice,” she said in a statement.

“The bill, if passed, will create he perfect crime,” she said.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Tell the Nevada Legislature to Say "No" to SB 261

* SB 261 seeks to legalize physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia as those terms are traditionally

* Passing the proposed bill will encourage people with years or decades to live to throw away their lives.

* The bill is sold as voluntary, but does not even have a provision requiring administration of the lethal dose to be voluntary.

* Assisting persons can have their own agendas: an adult child wanting an inheritance; a financial predator seeking financial gain; or a doctor wanting to hide malpractice.