Showing posts with label Sheryl and Scott Crosier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sheryl and Scott Crosier. Show all posts

Monday, September 16, 2024

Not Dead Yet: Baby Simon Withered Away Due to Hospital Imposed Starvation

By Lisa Blumberg (pictured right).

Trisomy 18 is a genetic condition that usually results in physical health problems and cognitive limitations. Life expectancy is currently shorter than typical but people can live into their 20’s and 30’s and one American with trisomy 18, Megan Hayes, celebrated her fortieth birthday with fanfare. Unfortunately, it seems that this information has been slow to percolate down to medical professionals.

When Simon Crosier was born in 2010, he was given full care until he was diagnosed with trisomy 18 at three days old. His parents, Sheryl and Scott Crosier were then told, “your child is now incompatible with life.”