Friday, July 1, 2016

New Mexico Overturns District Court Decision Allowing Assisted Suicide

Today, the New Mexico Supreme Court upheld a criminal statute prohibiting "assisting suicide" as constitutional when applied to "physician aid in dying," meaning physician-assisted suicide. The 5-0 decision states in part:

[W]e agree with the legitimate concern that recognizing a right to physician aid in dying will lead to voluntary or involuntary euthanasia because if it is a right, it must be made available to everyone, even when a duly appointed surrogate makes the decision, and even when the patient is unable to self-administer the life-ending medication. . . .
[The] statute is neither unconstitutional or its face nor as it is applied to Petitioners. . . . [W]e reverse the district court's contrary conclusion and remand to the district court for proceedings consistent with this opinion.  (Emphasis added). [pp. 31 & 57]

Thursday, June 30, 2016

New Mexico Supreme Court Upholds Statute Prohibiting Assisted Suicide

New Mexico Supreme Court
Today, the New Mexico Supreme Court upheld a criminal statute prohibiting "assisting suicide" as constitutional when applied to "physician aid in dying," meaning physician-assisted suicide. The 5-0 decision states in part:
[W]e agree with the legitimate concern that recognizing a right to physician aid in dying will lead to voluntary or involuntary euthanasia because if it is a right, it must be made available to everyone, even when a duly appointed surrogate makes the decision, and even when the patient is unable to self-administer the life-ending medication. . . .
[The] statute is neither unconstitutional or its face nor as it is applied to Petitioners. . . . [W]e reverse the district court's contrary conclusion and remand to the district court for proceedings consistent with this opinion. [pp. 31 & 57]

Massachusetts Assisted Suicide Bill Dies in Committee!

From Second Thoughts, Massachusetts, People with Disabilities Opposing the Legalization of Assisted Suicide:

Today, the Joint Committee on Public Health, of the Massachusetts Legislature, "declined to advance H.1999 the latest assisted suicide bill, H 1991, euphemistically titled 'An act affirming a terminally ill patient's right to compassionate aid in dying.' Disability rights advocates, along with representatives from medicine and members of the public, testified and lobbied against the bill."

The written testimony of Margaret Dore, president of Choice is an Illusion, is summarized below:
H.1991 is similar to Ballot Question 2, which was defeated by a vote of the people in 2012. This memo and its attachments discuss why H.1991 is a recipe for elder abuse. Passage will also cause family trauma, and encourage people with years to live to throw away their lives....  Even if you are for the concept of assisted suicide, H.1991 is the wrong bill.
Thank you to everyone who helped make this defeat possible!

Please consider a generous donation to Second ThoughtsChoice is an Illusion or your local group fighting against the legalization of assisted suicide and euthanasia.

We are need your support!

Choice is an Illusion

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Ethan Gutmann: An Update to "Bloody Harvest" & "The Slaughter"

Ethan Gutmann, author of "The Slaughter," has introduced a new report and video supporting that 1.5 million people have been killed by the Chinese regime through harvesting organs, i.e., from prisoners of conscience. To view the video, click here.  To view the report, click here.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Czeck Cabinet rejects deputies' bill allowing euthanasia

Prague, June 22 (CTK) - The Czech centre-left cabinet rejected yesterday a deputies' bill enabling to
perform euthanasia in strictly defined cases, two ministers have written on Twitter. . . 

The final decision on it is up to parliament.

Deputy PM Pavel Belobradek (KDU-CSL) and Industry and Trade Minister Jan Mladek (CSSD) have reported on the government's negative stand on Twitter.

"The bill, if passed, could result in the killing of people," Mladek wrote.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

British Medical Association Rejects Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia by 2 to 1 Majority

The British Medical Association has once again rejected assisted suicide and euthanasia. Dr. Peter Saunders of Care Not Killing provides this report on his blog:

Today the Annual Representative Meeting (ARM) of the British Medical Association (BMA) in Belfast voted against going neutral on assisted suicide by a two to one majority. . . .
British parliaments have consistently resisted any move to legalise any form of assisted suicide or euthanasia. There have been a dozen unsuccessful attempts in the last twelve years. Last year the Marris Bill in the House of Commons and the Harvie Bill in the Scottish Parliament were defeated by 330-118 and 82-36 respectively. . . .

To view Dr. Saunders' entire report, click here.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Worldwide Theater Protest: Melbourne Australia
While rom-com ‘Me Before You’ was only released in Australia today [06/15/16], it’s already receiving a growing amount of backlash. . . .
Activists . . .  argue the film promotes the notion that disabled lives are considered less valuable and that the film romanticises death. . . .
For more information about the worldwide theater protest, click here.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

New York Memo Opposing Bills A. 10059 and S. 7579 - Web Version


I am a lawyer in Washington State where physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia are legal.[1] Our law is based on a similar law in Oregon.  Both laws are similar to the proposed bills, A. 10059 and S. 7579.[2]

The bills are titled “Medical Aid in Dying.”  There is, however, no requirement that patients be dying. “Eligible” patients may have years, even decades, to live. The bills are also sold as a promotion of patient choice and control. The bills are instead stacked against the patient and a recipe for elder abuse. Finally, the bills are deceptively written; they are not what they appear to be. I urge you to vote “No.”

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

World Wide Theater Protest: Not Dead Yet

The sign in the photo is accurate. 
Assisted suicide and euthanasia are sold as giving choice and control to dying people.

There is, however, no requirement in any of the US/Canadian bills that people be "dying." "Eligible" persons can have years, even decades, to live.

The bills, as written, are also stacked against the patient and a recipe for elder abuse.

With the movie, "Me Before You, " we are now seeing a push for people with physical disabilities to kill themselves/be killed - even if, like the guy in the movie, they are drop dead handsome, rich and surrounded by people who love them.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Lawsuit Filed to Stop California Assisted Suicide Law!

The Life Legal Defense Foundation filed a lawsuit today challenging California's assisted suicide law.

The civil rights lawsuit alleges Equal Protection violations of individuals labeled terminally ill and was filed by five doctor and by the American Academy of Medical Ethics (AAME),
The Act decriminalizes physician-assisted suicide and instantly removes criminal law, elder abuse, and mental-health legal protections from any individual labeled terminally ill.  By contrast, non-labeled Californians have legal protection that makes it a felony to aid, advise, or encourage another to commit suicide.

Worldwide Theater Protest: "Hollywood Lies: I Prefer My Girlfriend Alive"

Wilfredo Rodriguez-Lopez
The New York based Center for Disability Rights has created a public service announcement in response to the disability snuff film, "Me Before You."

The PSA, which has already garnered over 150,000 views on Facebook, was developed by the Center for Disability Rights with filmmaker Clark Matthews. The PSA highlights that disabled lives are worth living, and that assisted suicide is harmful to the disability community

Monday, June 6, 2016

Worldwide Theater Protest: Wheelchair Athlete Ella Frech on "Me Before You"

Ella Frech

Eleven year old Ella Frech had a few things to say about "Me Before You"

Me Before You comes out tomorrow. I’ve never read the book, but my mom told me about it and I read the reviews online. It’s the story of a guy who gets in an accident, and has a spinal cord injury, and has to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. A guy you think should want to die because he has to live a life that looks like mine.

Well, what’s wrong with a life that looks like mine?

Friday, June 3, 2016

New York Press Release: "Bills Will Allow the 'Perfect Crime'"

FRIDAY  JUNE 2, 2016


Dore:  "New York's new assisted suicide bills, if enacted, will allow the perfect crime. They will encourage people with years to live to throw away their lives."

Contact: Margaret Dore (206) 697-1217

Albany, NY -- Attorney Margaret Dore, president of Choice is an Illusion, which has fought assisted suicide legalization efforts in many states, including New York, made the following statement in connection with bills pending before the New York State Legislature:

“There are new bills seeking to legalize ‘medical aid in dying,’ which is a euphemism for assisted suicide,” said Dore. (A. 10059 and S. 7579)

“A central problem with the bills is that a person assisting a suicide can have his or her own agenda,” Dore said. “For example, if the person will financially benefit from the patient’s death due to an inheritance, he or she will have a motivation to be sure that the death goes through. This may or may not be consistent with the patient’s choice.”

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

New York: Vote “No” on A. 10059 and S. 7579

New York's assisted suicide bills are deceptively written, stacked against the patient and a recipe for elder abuse. For a one page handout, click hereFor more in depth information, click here 

Bill Highlights

1.  A. 10059 and S. 7579 seek to legalize “medical aid in dying,” a euphemism for assisted suicide and euthanasia. There is no requirement that eligible patients be dying.

2.  Patients are instead required to have a prediction of less than six months to live. In real life, such predictions are often wrong.

3.  Predictions are wrong due to misdiagnosis and because predicting life expectancy is an inexact science. See e.g.,  Jessica Firger, “12 million Americans misdiagnosed each year,” CBS NEWS, 4/17/14, at

Sunday, May 22, 2016

South Africa: Dore Expert Witness Affidavit

Below, an excerpt from the expert witness affidavit of Attorney Margaret K. Dore, filed in the Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa, SCA Case No: 531/2015. 

The affidavit, including attachments, can be viewed by clicking here.

The Oregon and Washington Acts

12.  The Oregon and Washington "Death with Dignity Acts" legalize physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia as those terms are traditionally defined. See memo, pp. 2-3 (regarding definitions)  at "MD."