Bill C-14, which seeks to codify assisted suicide and euthanasia, is a recipe for elder abuse.
Proposed recommendations by the Senate Legal & Constitutional Affairs Committee will not solve the bill’s problems. The bill will encourage people with years, even decades, to live to throw away their lives. The bill will remain seriously flawed and contrary to the Canadian Supreme Court case,
Carter v. Canada, which envisioned a “carefully designed and monitored system of safeguards.” The bill must be rejected.
Contact: Margaret Dore: (613) 899-0366
Ottawa - Lawyer
Margaret Dore, president of
Choice is an Illusion, which has been fighting efforts to legalize assisted suicide and euthanasia in the United States, Canada and other countries, made the following statement in connection with Canada’s Bill C-14:
“The recommendations made by the Senate Committee’s thoughtful report will not solve the bill’s problems,” said Dore. “Consider, for example, the recommendation to define ‘eligibility’ as a ‘serious and incurable terminal illness, disease or disability [for a person who has] been determined to be at the end of life.’ In Oregon, which has a similar terminal criteria, chronic conditions such as insulin dependent diabetes qualify.
Dore explained, "Chronic conditions qualify because, in practice, the eligibility determination is made
without treatment. According to Oregon doctor, William Toffler, MD, the typical insulin dependent 18 year old
with treatment will have decades to live, but without treatment will live less than a month. The Committee’s recommendation, if adopted and interpreted according to Oregon’s precedent, will encourage people with years, even decades to live, to throw away their lives.”
“The recommendations also raise a valid concern that there is nothing to ensure patient consent when the lethal is administered,” said Dore. “Indeed, there is a complete lack of oversight at the death. In the case of assisted suicide, no witness, not even a doctor is required to be present.”