Friday, February 24, 2017

Amended Hawaii Bill Creates the Perfect Crime

By Margaret Dore, Esq., MBA

Hawaii Senate Chamber
Hawaii's pending act seeking to legalize physician-assisted suicide and allow euthanasia as long as actions are taken in “accordance” with the act, applies to people with years or decades to live. 

The act, contained in SB 1129 SD 1, is a recipe for elder abuse, especially in the inheritance situation for persons middle class and above.

To view a supporting memo, click here and here. To go to Choice Illusion Hawaii, click here

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Tell the Hawaii Legislature to Vote “No” on SB 1129

By Margaret Dore, Esq., MBA

SB 1129 legalizes physician-assisted suicide and allows euthanasia as long as actions are taken in “accordance” with the act.

The proposed Oregon style act applies to people with years or decades to live. The act is a recipe for elder abuse.

To view a legal analysis opposing the bill, with supporting documentation, click here.  To view the analysis without the supporting documentation, click here.  To view Hawaii Against Assisted Suicide, click here.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Congressional Resolution to Stop DC Act has Advanced

From a Congressional Staffer:

"This evening the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee advanced H.J. Res. 27, the resolution disapproving the District of Columbia Council’s bill legalizing assisted suicide. The bill was advanced by a vote of 22-14."

Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible. The battle to stop the DC Act continues. Thank you again.

Margaret Dore, President
Choice Is An Illusion

Sunday, February 5, 2017

"Choice" is an Illusion President Margaret Dore States Congress Must Reject DC Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia Act

Margaret Dore, Esq.
"The Act has national and inter-
national security implications."

WASHINGTON, Feb. 02, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Attorney Margaret Dore, president of Choice is an Illusion, which has fought assisted suicide and euthanasia legalization efforts throughout the United States, and now in the United States Congress, made the following statement in connection with H. J. Resolution 27 in the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

"The resolution seeks to prevent DC Act 21-577 from going into effect," said Dore. "The Act is a deceptively written law that legalizes physician-assisted suicide, assisted suicide and euthanasia as those terms are traditionally defined." 
Dore stated, "The Act is a recipe for elder abuse, it applies to persons who have years or decades to live and purported oversight is a sham." Dore added, "The Act has national and international security implications."

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Washington State: Tell Your Legislators to Vote "Yes" on SB 5433

Jeanette Hall
SB 5433 is a simple bill clarifying that persons considering assisted suicide under Washington State's Death with Dignity Act have a right to be told of their options for cure or to extend life. Passing the bill will be consistent with how the Act was marketed to the voters, as providing choice for the individual. I urge you to tell your legislators and the governor to vote “Yes” on SB 5433.

For more information, read the memorandum to the Washington State Senate below. To see a print version, click here.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Washington DC Press Release


Dore: “The DC assisted suicide Act is stacked against the individual.”

Dore: "The Act has national and international security implications, which trump DC home rule.”